Google Expeditions


Encourage educators to try a virtual reality field trip with their classes.


The Google Expeditions Pioneer programme used striking visuals and captivating copy to bring the experience of a virtual field trip to life for educators.

The campaign demonstrated what a revolutionary educational tool Google Cardboard is, allowing school children to take virtual field trips to far-flung locations, both on earth and in space!

Ads ran in education industry publications and at a number of well-attended industry events. Educators were also contacted directly by post.

Ty's story
Case study video


  • Over 1 million UK students have been on Expedition to date

  • That's 1 in 8 primary and secondary school students

  • Across 450 UK locations

  • Over 100 MPs visited schools in their constituencies and took part

  • 18 major news outlets covered the Pioneer Programme

  • Over 120 local and national news stories generated

  • We received a 98% satisfaction rating from 3000 teachers

  • More than 600 expeditions are now available

  • Partnerships already in place with institutions like Buckingham Palace and Natural History Museum.


Destiny 2

